PBS Evolution A Critical Review

What is PBS’s EVOLUTION Project?

According to its own self-description, the EVOLUTION Project, co-produced by WGBH/NOVA Science Unit & Clear Blue Sky Productions, and financed entirely by Paul Allen’s Clear Blue Sky Productions, comprises a seven-part, eight hour television series, an interactive website geared to popular audiences, and an extensive educational resource outreach aimed at transforming the way evolution is taught in schools nationwide.

The series explores Darwin’s theory of evolution in depth, as well as the profound effect it has on society and culture at large. PBS hails Darwin’s theory as “one of the greatest breakthroughs in the annals of science, and one of the most misunderstood scientific principles in America today.”

Combining drama with documentary, it covers a broad range of themes, from Darwin’s early development of his theory, to the changes that spawned the tree of life, from the emergence of consciousness and the power of sex to drive evolutionary change, to the conflict between science and religion in understanding human life.

The EVOLUTION Project’s stated intention is to heighten public comprehension about what evolution is and how it works. More broadly, the project also intends to dispel alleged misunderstandings of the theory, illuminate why evolution is relevant and encourage national dialogue on issues currently revolving around this theory.